Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Loosen Up

don't let your goals make you insufferable, 
loosen up once in a while, 
and let hours roll by, 
without you having to endure 
the thoughts failure 

let lose once in a while 
it is not crime to miss a goal or two
or three....or six 
you wouldn't die 

loosen up and be alive 
let go of burdens of guilt 
be free like the air 
recharge and get back the goals 
like a thousand hungry lions 

Sunday, 29 January 2023

Never Been The Best

I have always thought, 
even without proof, 
that I was the best at what 
I do 
but school happened, 
and I realised I was no better 
than some 
as I strived to keep up with the 
the best seemed to get better 
I slackened, see-sawed 
and swung like a pendulum 
between best and the worst, 
and the guilt still haunts me 
for I believed if I tried harder, 
I wouldn't be where I am now 
and nothing haunts more than 
the thought that if I tried harder, 
my path would have been different 

Saturday, 28 January 2023


find me at my usual corner 
drinking the same drink, 
dreaming about better days, 
trying to outrun my troubles, 
and my haunting past. 

find me by lonely rock 
day dreaming about better days, 
days when everything will be alright 
find me, still, 
ruminating over good days 
that I should be living now 

Vestiges of Affection

the last vestiges of feelings 
still haunt certain parts of my heart
that have not gone dark, or cold
there is still a gossamer of hope 
that I still hold on to whenever
the memory of you, the memory us, 
strikes at odd hours 
when magnetic pull of loneliness 
is stronger than before
when the wails of my heart are loud, 
my feet struggle to take me a further step, 
just one step away from those days 
days littered with memories, 
with love, 
with a thousand eternities 
that we hoped we would mold 
with our bare hands, 
and then I miss you 
and then I call you 
and then your distant voice sounds cold 
and then I regret why I called 

Thursday, 26 January 2023

I Wish I Were A Tree

I wish I were a tree 
A eucalyptus tree with a long smooth back
I'd stand inconspicuously among other tall trees with smooth barks.
I'd have grand eucalyptus thoughts, days and nights while
I stretch painstakingly slowly towards the sky
I'd think, for example, that I'd grow up to be a piece of paper
where I'll land on the table of a genius poet
Or his printer.
Or his collection of eerie thoughts conjured up in wee hours of night.
If the poet is a woman, then I'd be content to be her tissue paper,
a tissue paper with a long and smooth bark 

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

No More Nightmares

the nights are no longer long 
the ticking clock no longer drawls 
I ceased wondering 
about where I went wrong 

time is nigh, I feel it, 
energy gushes out of me 
like a burst water pipe 
I am no longer full of shit 

there are no more nightmares 
the past seems long gone, 
and a gleaming future awaits me 
step by step, I climb up the stares 

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

The Awakening

In a deep slumber lay a memory,
buried yet it never died, 
it still donned its vital signs 
more like a badge 
a testimony to an unforgettable story

Many moons later, 
the memory awoke, 
dusted itself, 
picked up the relics of its dignity 
and began its familiar routine 
torturing an innocent soul 
whose only crime was 
to love ever so deeply   

The Uncertain Journey

don't I always wish I felt good, 
from the moment I open my eyes, 
to the moment I lay my head to rest 
boy, I how I wish I could 

but it's just a wish in an uncertain journey,
one minute I am so sure about my steps 
the next minute I tumbling downhill 
and, trust me, there is nothing funny 

sometimes I feel the universe cheering me 
and I summon the energy to trudge on 
a minute later, all I hear is the loud jeers 
in an instant, the world becomes blurry 

I wish I could find joy in life's uncertainties
living knowing disappointment by that corner  
and still find the courage to face it 
even if I am granted a thousand such eternities 

If You Meet Meet Me

If we ever meet on a dark street, 
and you recognize me, 
please have the the courtesy 
to mind your business 
like I will 
because it will be our secret

Mutura Aficionado

Mutura is one of those mystery delicacies that you must enjoy from time to time unless the doctor expressly stated, in writing and in presence of a lawyer, that you risk your life if you partake in this street cuisine. Well, there are also other rules handed down from generation to generation. I present to you a summarized list of these rules. 

Be fiercely loyal to your mutura guy

A man is supposed to be fiercely loyal to two things: a football team, a barber, and a mutura seller. When you think deeply about these things, they cannot be explained, which is the whole point of living. What is the point of living if you have to justify your obsessions? There is a reason why it’s hard to break into the mutura business – people are loyal to their joints. You open for two days, and close because people are used to a particular taste – and particular here means ‘not your taste.’ A man will trek three kilometers, as we often did, to that one guy who knew our taste. 

Do not order mutura in bulk 

Mutura does not brag. You do not order, say mutura ya soo at once. Nobody will think highly of you if that’s what you want. You order in bits of ten or twenty. You must taste it first. There’s always an off-chance that it could taste like a witch’s sock (which brings us to rule one since you have grown accustomed to his taste). When you are satisfied with the taste, you consult your wallet and if it agrees, you order another one. And another. And another….

All mutura must be eaten at the mutura base, on that chopping board 

I have seen people, especially ladies, order mutura and ask for it to be wrapped. That level of insolence toward a sacred snack is intolerable. You break so many laws of mutura. And you should be in jail. First, you will order in bulk, second, you do not let your wallet chase you from the base. No one worth his salt goes around carrying mutura. What if someone knocks it off? Have you ever asked yourself what could happen? You haven’t, clearly. 

Mutura must be eaten only after the sun sets 

You see, according to research conducted by Harvard School of Mutura, parasites aka minyoo also like mutura. You need to eat only in dark, when they cannot see. Otherwise, is there a point in making such a sacrifice? I doubt the research, though. However, I will not tell you what I saw during curfew and mutura guys would open at 3 pm. Ask a hygiene-nazi close to you. 

Do not ever want to see how mutura is made 

As far as I was concerned, the ingredients of mutura were a mystery to me. Not until a stupid mzungu shot a video about it to boost his dwindling YouTube views. I was disgusted at that mzungu for revealing the secret ingredients of a beloved food. On a serious note, you may hate mutura if you see how it’s made. The only consolation is that it is not laced with any chemicals as preservatives. 

There is no reason why you eat mutura

This is the last rule. There is no reason why eat or should eat mutura. There is no reason why you shouldn’t eat it either. Nobody knows the nutritional value of mutura. Research might even establish that it has zero calories. It cannot be a meal. You cannot survive on mutura alone. No doctor will either prescribe mutura or tell you that you shouldn’t eat mutura if you want to vote for the Hustler government to screw us all over again. I have only heard one guy try to explain mutura, “you are wasting mutura if you do not have a wife.” As I write this, I have never understood what he meant. It was his own reason and his reason alone. He does not represent any sane mutura-loving human being. 

Monday, 23 January 2023


the words dance in slow mournful 
inhibited by the mystery it fails 
to reveal, 
the silent rhythm crawls through
each letter, 
revealing nothing more than their  
and, determinedly, embark on 
their mysterious sojourns, 
into unknown worlds 
perhaps where they can find warmth 

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Poverty Is A Sin

What if, pray tell, we discover one day that poverty was a sin all along? Well, it will be too late then but just think about it. As for me, I do not want to wait until it’s too late. An ancient Greek philosopher said ‘mapema ndio best’ and these words couldn’t be any truer now than it was back then. 

I have thought deeply about this like any man capable of thinking reasonably from time to time. For that matter, I expect myself to make myself filthy rich with the least amount of effort and within the shortest time possible. You do not have to have a particularly high IQ to reach such an intellectual conclusion. Me, I have purposed to be rich for the past three years or so years. Somewhere along the Adulting Road, I realized that my obsessions cost a lot of money. And just like the next person, I could use a million shillings. 

I do not believe that money cannot buy happiness. Or love. Anybody who tells you that money cannot buy happiness has more money than he ever needs, is terminally ill, or is dead. You must have too much money to make certain conclusions about money. As broke as I am, I am 93.27% sure that money will set me on the path toward happiness. Think about things money can do. Point of correction; think about things a lot of money can do. You could be a complete moron and people will still applaud you. In some extreme circumstances, you might even believe them thinking that you are a “person of the people.” However, when election results are announced, you realize that even your close family members pretend to like you. I think that’s the worst way to use your millions. 

It saddens me to think that there are people who still think that money cannot buy love. I do not blame them. Again, this is a rich-people problem, and they should never ever think that we subscribe to such nonsense. It has been proven scientifically that money can actually buy love. According to Dave Barry, a humor scientist who specialized in a branch of science known as ‘making things up,’ money can buy love – it can buy a lot of high-quality fake love. If you can buy fake love, what is the point of buying low-quality? 

Your worldview does not matter. Money makes life a whole lot better and easier. When you have money and you are bored, you could hire a hitman to kill boredom. And that’s not even the best part – the best part is that you can afford a lawyer (for purposes of this article, a lawyer is anyone who can throw a cocktail of big English and Latin words and wears suits). 

There are so many ways to make too much money and quickly. However, most of them are either illegal or scams. I have lived long enough to know this. There is no point in having millions of money and constantly hiding. It is the main reason we elect people with questionable characters to lead. They have been out there doing ‘shady business deals’ and when they cannot hide anymore they offer themselves up for election. It is the surest way to being untouchable and making even more money quite effortlessly. Pablo Escobar tried it but failed. 

I have tried gambling, only to realize, dismayed, that I was contributing diligently to someone else's next luxury toy. A job works the same way. I have also realized that schools indoctrinate people to accept slavery as the perfect way to live. They no longer have to forcefully enslave you - you willingly accept to be a slave, sometimes you even beg them.  

I know that I do not possess the right gene to create something as big as Microsoft or Facebook. I’ll settle for what has already been invented – religion. The last time I checked, no other brand has ever outsold Jesus since the five-day workweek. I plan to start a church, preach, and people will give me money on behalf of Jesus. And the best part of it is that I can keep it. Why, because poverty might just be another sinner they forgot to include in the bible. Living a good life isn't a sin, it is what you do when living a good life that might be sin. Like making others feel poor about themselves. 

A Ticket To Hell

I don't know much, 
but one stands clear in my mind, 
it is as clear as stars in a cloudless night 
I know without a shred of doubt
that laughing at the expense of someone else, 
in situations you shouldn't 
will earn you a straight ticket to hell 

I chose to bear my disappointments alone, 
nurse my self-inflicted obsessions in silence 
wondering why I ever became a football fan 
for a team millions of miles away 
a team that wouldn't even recognize me in my lifetime 
yet I chose to be entangled in its business 
revel in its win 
and be so dejected in their losses 
that I find banter so unbearable 
but then, what is life without obsessions? 

Do not laugh at my face 
it's probably a sin to 
to laugh at someone bearing his pain 
in silence 

Saturday, 21 January 2023

Makeshift Prisons

The bars appear as beautiful as flowers In a solemn and mournful bloom Watered by silent tears of lost time Watered by broken dreams Of broken hearts

The old dreams adopted the vibrancy of rust
Withered by harsh loneliness
And the pain of disappointment
But then behind bars
Lies the freedom to be nothing
But just be, and flow with the routine
Thoughts have become murky
Harbouring every vermin and pathogen
All ready to devour souls

Thursday, 19 January 2023

Just Guesses

I guess the stars that I hoped 
we would lazily gaze at, 
one night when dreaming 
became too much, 
were nothing but a mirage 

I guess the many lonely days
I nursed the pain of your absence,
especially on nights 
I craved your warm embrace, 
were nothing but seconds ticking 
to oblivion 

I guess the dreams we had, 
can now ride our broken hearts, 
ferry us wherever it wants, 
as we search for each other 
among strangers we meet 

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

The Good, The Bad. The Balance

there will be good days, 
that will make think that you've 
finally figured it out 

there will be bad days, 
days that will test your resolve, 
faith, courage 
there will be days that 
make you feel stuck 
in a rat race 

there will be good, and the bad 
it might be a little difficult sometimes, 
to strike a balance and 
keep moving forward 
but, regardless of any outcome, 
take the next step

Monday, 16 January 2023

When Everything Changed

The vast blue dome above 
Conjured nothing but bliss 
In the air roamed untainted love 
The world was at peace 

All dreams were low-lying fruits 
There was no need for needless exertion 
We lived and loved to bits 
Because we had discovered our passion 

But then everything changed all of a sudden 
The world that we thought was pure 
Threatened to make us heathens 
We were never the same for sure 

Sunday, 15 January 2023

An APP For Idlers

 TikTok is one hell of an app. If you have a few hours which you can dedicate to being totally and completely unproductive, then this app is here for you. TikTok has revolutionized how you can idle. It is more like a drug – in fact, it should be classified as a drug. A few minutes on TikTok will have you wondering how time flew by. And the best part of it is that you may never learn anything meaningful. 

It took me a while before I got around to downloading TikTok. I quickly signed up and began a blissful browsing experience. Each video would be more interesting than the last or almost always related to some videos I had watched elsewhere. For instance, I would watch Dr. Pimple Popper on YouTube when my mind suggests that something gross might be interesting. When I turned to TikTok much later, I would find the same gross videos perfectly lined up for me. I did not give much thought to it until the other day. 

Well, the answer lies in the terms and conditions we often blindly accept. We could sell our souls without knowing!!! It turns out that TikTok collects all your data from every possible source. It probably knows the type, make, and color of your underwear. That’s how serious that app is with your personal data. It even collects data on how you strike your keyboard. For what use? I do not know. 

I might say, which is just a wild guess, that TikTok does so to make its users addicted to the app. It is the same strategy that Facebook used. They needed a product that people would come back to it again and again like drug junkies. TikTok is using the same blueprint, only going a little further. Perhaps it is the reason why it has grown so popular around the world. 

One of the most remarkable things about TikTok is that China, where it was developed, restricts its use among its citizens. Chinese children use TikTok as a learning tool, not to showcase their posterior endowments or watch stupid pranks that have become the norm. It is alleged that China switches off the app at night. While the rest of the world becomes dumber and dumber, the Chinese are getting more and more intelligent. 

The only advantage TikTok has is that it has given people a chance to make a living. We recently saw TikTokers building mansions and driving. Well, you either are the consumer or the creator. When a product is free, there are high chances that you are the product. 

As for me, I plan to delete the app and resume life without it. I wouldn’t miss it at all. I need new ways to waste time now that the doctor has asked me to cut some beverages. 

The Moments You Feel Alive

There are those moments you feel most alive, 
Moments you never have to explain to anyone, 
because there have never been reasons to justify, 
because no one will ever understand them 

there are great moments only known to you 
as significant as the dawn to happy people 
as significant as a paycheck to a man in debt 
but nobody ever understands these moments 

in moments that you feel most alive 
let no one ever rob you of these moments
let no one ever belittle these moments 
they are your moments - guard them jealously 

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Haunting Bygones

one day, in a distant past, 
you made the wrong turn, 
and despite knowing it 
you thought it would be fun 

down the road of oblivion 
nothing made sense 
except the ever beckoning abyss 
nothing's been the same thence 

in still moments the bygones 
haunt like a horror movie 
in its clarity nothing ever made sense 
you are stuck the unwelcome view 

Monday, 9 January 2023

The Cry-Boy

He cries everyday, without fail, 
like he received a doctor's prescription 
He cries for hours on end
as if he would die if he does not 

He responds to everything - 
every action, every snub, every footstep, 
by crying his lungs out 
He has strong lungs, that boy 

Nobody ever comforts him
None, not his sisters, not his mother, 
they let him cry desolately by the stairs 
until he realises the futility of the exercise 

Sunday, 8 January 2023

An Idea For A New Church

At some point in a reasonable man’s life, he will think deeply about ways of making himself filthy rich within the shortest time possible. As a reasonable man, that point came to me about three years ago. I thought deeply and decided that I was going to start my own religion. However, just like Robin Cooper, I encountered one major problem – what to believe in.

Upon thinking further, I realized I would need a sacred book that would be a reference point for my religion, assuming I settled on what to believe in. It would still be an uphill task considering the fact that other religions have had centuries of a head start. It would simply be impossible to catch up with them.

But I dreamt on. I banked on one Greek philosopher’s wise words – no human is limited. Like a reasonable man, I called up my religious council into a secret conclave to contemplate the matter further. One of the members, which was I, brought up a very important question. He asked us solemnly:

“Supposing we start our own religion, we would need a religious book, right?”

We all nodded in agreement.

“Supposing we would write we own, how will we explain the mystery of man’s existence? What would be our theory?”

It was impossible, we said, but still wanted to know why the member asked the question.

“Well, I suppose that’s the only way to make it believable to the gullible masses.”

After a long meeting that lasted approximately three minutes, we all agreed that we need to have a few drinks. The matter was swiftly forgotten after the third drink. The meeting was adjourned indefinitely and we blamed it squarely on gengetone.

After a long time, we all reached a consensus that starting a new religion would be a daunting prospect. The reason was simple: we could not find a manual online!! We could not believe that Google could miss extremely important piece of information. Trust google to let you down when you need it most.

We assessed our options and settled on what seemed an easier option. We could start our own church. Looking around, we noted that there are churches run by people who are not that bright. How could we fail, with all our brains? We only needed it to stand out as much as possible. It is a business, we argued, and our product must be quite remarkable. It would have to outshine all other churches and make us extremely rich in no time.

As we think about the market entry strategy, the religious council (I, Me, and Myself) are out there to take one for the road hoping that we do not forget about this strategy.


(You have seen how Owuor is filthy rich. Damn it, man. I wanna be that rich. I want to buy my second private jet. Pssst! The Enemy is Poverty, and Arsenal, and …..you may add your own).

Saturday, 7 January 2023

The Dreamers

there will days, unwelcome days, 
when our dreams hobble along, 
tagging us behind, 
and we rush to keep pace, 
wondering whether they are worth it

But what's the worth of a man 
who carries with him unfulfilled dreams
the burden is too much
every breath screams LOSER

And we try each day not to be failures 
sometimes we try even harder 
not to fail by not trying at all 
but then each day is a reminder 
that we could be a day closer to our dreams 
if we tried yesterday 

Friday, 6 January 2023

Here's To True Friends

Here's to that friend 
who's watched all your follies, 
rescued from the little graves 
you've knowingly dug 
here's to that friend who will 
never abandon you 

Here's to that true friend 
who will share even 
when it is evident they need 
it more than you 
even when they have barely enough 

Here's to true friends 
may your wells never run dry 
may your prayers make us 
better friends 
may we be the friends you are to us 

Here's to true friends 
may your paths be paved 
with unimaginable blessings 
may your secret dreams 
and your sacred desires come true 
today and forever 

Here's a toast to true friends 
who see the shred of good left in us 
yet our worth never wane 
here's to friends who will not 
abandon us 
Here's to family - the only true friends 

The Backbiter

The backbiter often roams with a motive 
He is an hunter trying to corner his kill 
Sometimes he is recruiting sympathizers
To an implicit cause 

The backbiter wants you to say something 
Something that resonates with the sinister motives 
Or implicate yourself 
So that he can use it as a salvo 
To fire up his dwindling self-image 

Do not fall for a backbiter's charms 
For when you turn your back against them 
He takes a huge chunk of it 
A backbiter is never satisfied  

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Mollie's Irony

I may act alright, but deep-down Mollie’s words grate my mind in quite an unsatisfactory manner. I knew that she was predisposed to be strongly opinionated. But I also know, like anyone that knows, that extremely opinionated people cannot take strong opinions, nor even facts that prove that their opinions are nothing but hot air. When you are stupidly in love, you can ignore strong opinions because that would mean getting some action when the lights are turned off, or getting that unwelcoming cold shoulder. 

Mollie is the sort of person who will be quiet and then randomly says things. Often, what she says has no preamble. She can begin a story in the middle and fill it up with facts later. I remember that day we were just chilling, her absentmindedly making her nails while I read a paragraph or two of whatever story caught my attention. Mollie said, in a way a prophet might say, that ‘githeri, omena, and matumbo’ are symptoms of poverty. I turned her words in my head and concluded that they could only be words that come from someone named after the first cloned sheep. 

It did not bother me then. Mollie’s presence intoxicated me. Or, to put it more precisely, made me a remarkable fool. Being in love can make a grown man look like a fool because love was designed to look that way. Picture that tough man in your life and chances are that he looks and acts a fool in the presence of a female with whom he has no qualms about losing his inhibitions. It is one of the requirements of loving. 

Now that I am no longer stupid, I can turn Mollie’s words in my head and try to analyse them like a specimen on a scientist’s table. For a start, Mollie claims that she is a sapiosexual. I did not know what that meant at first but I got enlightened when consulted google. You can’t really think highly of a person who thinks so lowly of other people’s favorite foods. Because she was my favorite person, I nodded to her words and sought no further explanation as that would have made me a participant in her opinions. After getting past the talking stage and then into the intimate zone, you learn to stop being a participant in certain things. 

As I sit now, I wonder about the kind of research Mollie used to conclude that certain foods were a symbol of poverty. For instance, what was her hypothesis? What problem was she even researching? And she had the audacity to claim that she is a sapiosexual. Now that we are not together anymore, I can also say that pizza and fried chicken are symbols of ill health. 

The Irony of Life

I have known the haves and have-nots
All looking out with sullen faces, 
For things not within immediate vicinity 
All from a point of scarcity 

It is difficult to live, 
without appreciating the small things 
The truth is that we can never have everything 
The more we try the void increases 

I have known those who've tried once 
and succeeded 
I have known those who've tried a thousand times 
and never came close to success 
Such is the irony of life  

Tuesday, 3 January 2023


I loved Mollie until last Christmas. I cannot say that we were inseparable because there’s a way love makes people stupid. To say we were inseparable is to admit that I was stupid. Of course, I was, especially when she had no clothes on. I, a humble peasant, even promised to buy her a helicopter. And to prove that love makes people stupid, the daughter of Eve believed me. I guess I can conclude that the moment you become wise when in a relationship, you are no longer in love – it’s time to move. And to stay in that relationship after that is to invite bad omen, or, in severe cases, even death. Well, I am not qualified to offer any relationship advice anyway. 

Mollie and I were an item until I revealed that I enjoyed slaughtering animals for food, especially on Christmas days. I did not say it in a way that made it look like slaughtering animals was a hobby I derived immense joy. No. The whole process is arduous and unsightly. You have to deal with a lot of blood. And the insides of animals aren’t aesthetically appealing either. Well, not until they have been subjected to fire for a reasonable period of time. 

I remember the look on Mollie’s face. It was as though I had revealed a dark secret that would have enabled the police to nab a serial killer – me. She had asked me to repeat what I had said because Mollie was the sort of person who would make you repeat something she thought was marvelously stupid. I repeated it because I am not the sort of person who backs down from such a simple request. 

“You are a disgusting human being!” At that point and time, I knew she would have chosen to cuddle scum over me. 

“Why would you say that?” I asked feigning innocence. As a man, you have to learn to feign innocence when dealing with certain females you have been intimate with. 

“You enjoy murdering animals?!!” 

“How else would we eat them?” The moment the words left my mouth, I knew I had opened a can of worms. 

She held her head and took a deep breath for what seemed like an eternity. Women are fond of doing that when you say something a certified moron would say. I was not worried because I did not find anything wrong with slaughtering and eating animals. 

Mollie threw me a murderous look before she spoke. 

“I cannot be in love with someone who enjoys slaughtering animals,” she finally said, then sighed deeply. I watched her chest slowly retreat into a body before stopping in its usual place, the place I liked. 

“It’s not like it's my profession. I do not wake up every morning to murder animals,” I defended myself, even using the word I detested – murder. 

“Murderer.” She muttered under her breath. 

“What?” I asked as she does. I am the sort of person who plays against another using their own tactics to see how they like it. 

“Animal murderer.” 

Mollie was the sort of person with the most malleable belief system. Her worldview changed with the weather. I could tell that she had become an animal rights activist. Or desperately wanted to find a reason to break up with me. Women are sometimes like that. One day she loves you, the next day she finds the way you breathe a criminal offense. Knowing Mollie, I didn’t think she wanted to break up with me, at least not yet. The day would come, eventually, but I did not think that it would be that soon. She had professed her love a week ago, which, according to me, was reasonable enough to take me through the month. Unless I do something remarkable, which I rarely do. 

Mollie had turned into those people who hate meat. I have no problem with that. The problem is trying to recruit everyone into their sick and twisted animal-loving cult. It is not just animal lovers or activists. When you look around you, people are trying to recruit you into some stupid cult. Like that group with the funny-looking initials that start L. Can’t you love something without shoving it on everyone else’s face? 

I later learned that Mollie’s pet dog was run over by a car as she watched. Her sister Pollie told me. Although the dog was not hers, she had felt an obligation to join those who advocated for animal rights. for me, I believe that animals have one right – to be eaten. I told Mollie so and she spat me out of her heart, forever. It hurt since I had not projected that I would be on the hunt for another girl so soon. Now I have to wait until valentine's is over. I guess that’s when plenty of women will be on the market after being dumped or learning that they were being taken for a ride. 

Monday, 2 January 2023

Do Not Look For Me In The Stars

On those days that you will be lonely 
Or when the silent whispers 
inside your heart cripple you with regret 
Look into the stars, 
I will not be there 
I will be far away in a distant land, 
wandering through the maze of our memories 
wondering why it is true 
that when one is truly loved, 
they don't find it enough 
Like you, I will be lonely 
listening to the silent throbbing of my heart 
wondering whether I'll ever love again, 
at least truly 

On Days The Sun Drools

On days that the sun drools 
with unexplainable sadness 
the memory of you gladdens my heart 
even with the miles between us 
I can see your smile, 
and touch your heart 

Seconds can crawl in a dreary pace 
And everything seems out of place 
I think, at times, my breath is useless 
But the thought of you quickly 
dispels all my worries 
and you love, like the morning sun 
clears away the dews in my heart 

some days seem long 
the undefinable gloom occupies my heart 
as if you are absent from it 
but the instant the echo of your laugh 
rings in my head 
everything becomes illuminated 

My Love, My Heart Is Yours To Keep

 My love, my heart is yours to keep You are the beat that makes it leap Your touch, your kiss, they set me free I am yours, forever, endlessly

Your eyes, they sparkle like the stars above Your smile, it warms me with its love I am yours, forever, faithfully I'll love you more with every breath I take

Our love, it grows with every passing day I'm yours, in every single way I'll love you more with every breath I take Until the end of time, for goodness sake!