Saturday 7 July 2018

What it Takes

The sun is high,
Theirs is a motivation to fly past it
For a dream is a dream
Unless it extends beyond
And past the confines of the dark hours

As the clock ticks
Efforts they put drive them closer
And closer
To their most sacred of ambitions
To grow, to mold and to inspire
Generations after them

For them tomorrow is an inspiration
To a tell a tale
Of hard work and self-motivation
That they can sit and spell
What it takes to be them

Dear Lord

Dear Lord liberate me from my prison
Illuminate my life with righteous thoughts
Thoughts that have elongated my nights
Straighten my paths, take away the meanders
Light them or at least make the journey bearable
Give me courage to believe in the impossible
Give me courage to shut my ears to naysayers