Thursday 27 August 2020

What Now

 What's that step you take when gripped by grief

What do you do when you alight by Hopeless Town?

What do you do when you are on knees?

Unable to get up, unable to move on, 

Unable to reason, 

Unable to eat not for lack of appetite 

But for lack of food 

What do you do?

You are sick - you've been sick

where is redemption that they often promise people like?

or was your name struck off the list?

What now?

Saturday 15 August 2020

Tiny Dreamless World

 The tide, the slow ebb of sorrow 

Advanced upon us appearing as if swift 

Yet the signs were clear in the distance 

And our hopes in better tomorrow

Saw us ignore what was in plain sight 

We we gulped our little water 

Obstinate in our refusal to accept reality 

And then it caught up with us 

Exploding on our faces like a big bang 

Splitting our dream into tiny dreamless world 

Tiny formless and desolate worlds 

And there is no whisper of the gods and angels 

Speaking life into it 


Saturday 8 August 2020

The Talkers

They have an endless well of stories

Upon which they draw,

Take a sip and regale another tale

I envy them


I envy how they easily strike a conversation

And it is with a person they just met!

And then they talk and talk

When you think it’s over, they start again


And they laugh! By God they laugh

How are they capable of telling jokes?

And tell more stories

From sunrise till sunset


And they will be at it again tomorrow

Talking as though they last met last decades ago

Where do they get fresh stories?

Where do they purchase them?


As for me, I struggle beyond the greetings

I am have no well to draw stories

Although sometimes I have one for insults

And as you know, these cannot be repeated


Sometimes I do not want to hear stories

I want to live in my silent world

Stuck not knowing a thing about that person

For gripping stories often involve other people