Clutching the phone close to my
I walked by the railway,
Dwarfed by thoughts
Numbed by the memories
I saw us relaxing under the
eucalyptus shade
Willing the time to stand still
I saw us by the verandah, smoking
I saw me waiting for you at Flax,
Anxious that you may have changed
your mind
I saw us eating roast maize,
I saw us listening to Justin
Having nothing but our love for
each other
Then I saw that I had lost it all
All because I couldn’t give you
what you wanted
Because all I offered was love
I was a walking dead, without
Lost in the cool November breeze
I lost your love and lost meaning
Coldplay’s Scientist spoke to my
It was a such as shame for us to
part, the lyrics went by
I walked diminished
Dying slowly when the thought
Of you doing the things we did
with another man
And I clutched my phone every
And listened to the songs that
made us fall in love
Because all I had was a memory
A memory that wouldn’t keep me
Neither would it make go to sleep