Tuesday 12 July 2016

Beauty Unfit For Verse

Through the meanders and wanders
The maze and the labyrinths
I find your beauty leading me to light
And your smile!
Ah! Your smile belittles all alight
I can’t believe I’m trying to fit your person in verse

I’ve never imagined you would till you insinuated 

Monday 11 July 2016


“Excuse me!!” she retorts
Ah! Man with a womb and a cunt
Because your dick grew inwards

“Excuse me!!” she menstruates
You are trash
You need someone to take you out
The garbage truck or the hit man
I’m the later

“Excuse me?!!!” wide eyed response
Poetry is beyond your understanding
Ah! You’re limited to sexts-
I know I’m insensitive
When it pays your bills

“Excuse me!!”
Multiple sorries dear heart
I now understand your distaste of her

Fuck you
“Excuse me!!!” she cringes
Yes I said it, fuck you
Go to hell for heaven’s sake


I hear the echo of your laughter
Ringing in my mind like a strum to a guitar
It’s my favourite song
You laughter is my favourite song

Away from you everything seems a wander
And I must wonder
How beautiful life is beside you
Though sometimes I wonder if it’s true

I’d take a bullet if that would make you happy
I’d stop a train just to see you happy
For I’ve stopped bullets before
I’m desperate to see this love grow

For the moment let me indulge in the song
The one that makes me long
A touch of your lips and a tight embrace

And that immortal smile on your pretty face 


Last night he had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for him
It could be for anything
He  didn't ask for money
Or a mansion in Kitusuru
He simply wished, for one more day with you

One more time
One more sunset, maybe he'd be satisfied
But then again
He knows what it would do
It would leave him wishing still, for one more day with you

First thing he'd do, is pray for time to crawl
Then he’d switch his phone off
And keep the TV off
He'd hold you every second
Say a million ‘I love you's’
That's what he'd do, with one more day with you


Granted twenty four hours of health
How have you used it differently
From he who was bedridden?

Granted two eyes to see
What have you seen
That a blind man would envy?

Granted food to give you energy
What have you done with the energy
That makes a difference to one who had none?

Granted shelter and clothing
What’s it with self-loathing
Wanting what your neighbor has?

Granted a computer to study
What’s the difference between you
And those who have none?

Granted the feet to walk
Where have you been on this earth
To show a little bit of compassion?

Granted parents who have stuck with you
Through their own inadequacies and troubles
What do have to show them at the end of the day?

Granted books and the ability to read
Granted the time and the brains
What is the difference between you
And those who can’t read?

Granted people who care about you
What would you give them

When you walk like they don’t exist?

She Left Me Once

She left me once and I allowed her to leave
I didn’t fight for us, maybe I didn’t believe
I thought I was so immune to grieve
Sometimes, many times I cried to seek relief

I remember that Monday morning, chilly and cold
She’d be gone for a while and I had a feeling
That someday somewhere I’d be told
The saddest news that’d leave me reeling

I turned my phone on, at six or thereabouts
Previously I had written her a poem
That I had painstakingly labored to write
And I knew I would get a reply, or I hoped

Sure the reply came through
I struggled to adjust my eyes to the blinding light
Then I read her message and heaved
Read once more and hit the delete button
Maybe it would help to think I didn’t receive

Before I could act, she called and asked
“Have you seen the message I sent you?”
I lied I hadn’t seen it, it was better to lie
Than to imagine she was gone
All within a blink of an eye
I had been anticipating that day, though
But it just came too soon for me

“I know how sad it is for you to bear this news….”
You know?!! I fumed inside but just could tell
If she was right beside me, I’d have given her hell
I could have given away everything
Just to take away that feeling
But then how could that have been possible
When she was my everything?
I rose from my bed, without a thought of the cold
Put on my brown heavy jacket, it reminded me
Of cold nights I braved the drizzles drizzled
Just to talk to her on a high ground where
I my phone would catch the network
A chill down my spine- all that had been to vain

And headed out to recharge my phone
I conversed with myself all the way the kiosk
‘I enjoyed all the moments we had together
And I wish you all the best in the new chapter’
No, how about this
‘I didn’t love you anyway
I lied to have sex with you by the way’
That looked worse
‘I have all along suspected you are a whore
I’m glad I’m getting back to my life as before’
No, worst of all
‘How about I love you and I want the best for you
Wherever you’ll go just know that I always was true
I can’t figure out how to love anyone, not ever
Because I was sure you were my forever ‘
That would make her guilty,
Yes, I wanted to make her guilty

‘But she’s gone,’ my conscience tried to argue
‘For better things, for a better life
Or for things you couldn’t provide
That which she’d choose to be a wife’

I was mad at myself, I was mad at things I didn’t do
Things I couldn’t even explain, I just knew there were things
She loved me, I heard her tell me several times
She said she loved me, I told her the same thing
But then, I felt there was something more to back it up
To reinforce it like steel to concrete

Hoping it wasn’t too late, I told her straight
‘I love you…and I can’t ever figure out
Any being on this earth whom I’ll love like you
Maybe I made mistakes in the past …
…and I want to make it right….just name the price’

She didn’t like hesitate, she told me like she’d rehearsed
“I’m afraid it’s too late for that”

“Why do this to me? Why?”

“You wouldn’t understand….circumstances
Everything is hard right now…..
….and I don’t think you’ll help me
I wish you would but I know you can’t
…just live your life”

Damn money!! Damn the world
Money robbed me the precious
Of all my possessions
The prized among all, love

‘I’ll wait for you,’ I bluttered
I wondered why it wasn’t easy to let go
Chart a new destiny and live life anew
Or get used to be alone
Probably I wouldn’t be too alone

She said she loved me
She’d leave him when things get better
Maybe we could be together
Once more, till forever knocks at our doorstep

It wasn’t the easiest decision I ever made
Days crawled, the sun seemed stuck up the sky
I still asked myself why
Why I wouldn’t let go, to start letting the memories fade

My world was suddenly confined to an ominous gloom
The flowers even in its full bloom spelled doom
And my heart seemed to be giving away slowly
I longed for a way of forgetting things, instantly
But the more I longed the more she became engraved in my mind 

Sunday 10 July 2016

Of Silly Women Who Think They Are A Gift To The Men

Ladies, picture this. You have brains but you’ve found it irrevocably stressfully to use it. As you walk around town you spot a woman in a sleek German ride or the famous Range Rover (Sports or Vogue). You want to be her. You discard reason (the little you had) and write a silly post about how Kenyan men are silly, thinking they are the sort of gifts to you. The truth is we are, some of us aren’t. The ilk you get attracted to doesn’t give you the right to bash the many us that are ideal, the epitome of manly perfection, who understand the position the society bequeaths to them.

Hey lady, don’t blame every other male for your ability to attract semi-men, the men who realized they have dicks like, ‘look here mate, I got a dick! What am I supposed to do with it?’ and his mate as dickly as he is replies, ‘women. Use it on women, they like it.’ Bingo! Off he goes thinking it’s the gift to you, brainless woman. He learns what you love the most, easy life. He gives it to you. Sooner you are complaining of how he treats you when you are the one who did set the standard. And of course he doesn’t recognize you in the morning and he surprised just as you permanently are. Don’t blame us.

The modern woman. God apparently created you when in high spirits. And most importantly when in mood for modification. What an arse!!! The modern woman goes about mocking God in every conceivable way. If God was in high spirits, He would have conjured up that, in the near future you might be in need of red lips, large behind, flawless eye brows and very good Brazilian hair (you love your hair so much because you aren’t smart enough to love something interesting)

Truth, the modern times do not favour a woman suckling a clan of babies. She doesn’t belong to the kitchen anymore. But that doesn’t mean that as a man you have to depend on Kenchic or Pizza Inn for a living. Real men eat real food cooked straight from the farm. In deed times are modern. The measure of man is in his ability to provide for his family. The greatest of them needs is financial. The rest is almost miscellaneous. What can true love from a poor man do? It can’t feed you. It can’t clothe you. Neither can it educate the children. The modern woman wants a loaded guy, who will foot the bills when need arises. The modern woman is jealous of her hard work but she wants to be treated equally to men. What a mirage!!

The downside of these modern women is, she so used to board room wars that she transfers that to her home, to her husband. Truth is, for her success, there is another woman who takes over her wifely duties, sometimes to the extreme. May be these kind of women don’t need men, but would surely want them from time to time.