Friday, 3 February 2023

The Hitchhiker

I often find myself stranded, 
in a vast, expansive and desolate lands, 
all around me suddenly blooms despair, 
around me sprouts kaleidoscopic hopelessness 
I am all alone, blissfully lost in the murmurs,
that urge me take a plunge into the shallow 
pool of poor decisions  
and during these moments, I suddenly transform 
into a person they wouldn't ever recognize, 
I, too, don't recognise myself 
I am suddenly a hitchhiker
seeking lands reeking ominous thrills
where I'd revel under the ever secretive veil 
of anonymity 
I am a hitchhiker guided by consciousness alien to me 
I am thumbing up potential serial killers, 
out and about seeking cheap thrills, 
seeking objects to fulfill their sick 
and twisted obsessions 
In these desolate lands, 
I am also seeking cheap thrills, 
in an attempt to merge with nothingness 
and live invisibly in a world that has ever 
demanded unattainable perfection 

The Dreams You Dreamt For Me

I don't know how much you endured, 
I can only imagine, 
and I know my imaginations come short 
but I do try during my infrequent 
intolerable bouts of sobriety, 
to put myself in your big shoes, 
you wear the same size as mine
yet I dare not take a step in your shoes 
they smell of heroism, 
of sacrifices, 
of courage, 
-none of which I can claim for myself, 
often, in my solemn corner that 
reeks of surrender, and defeat 
I think about you in distant lands, 
foraging in foreign lands for a morsel, 
perhaps wondering whether it was all worth it 
you dreamt dreams for me 
but then I grew up and wanted dreams of my own 
they were blurry, 
and I sought clarity among strangers 
drinking away one dream at a time 
now I am merely a shell, 
haunted by pangs of my own ingratitude 
unfortunately, I became me, 
and I ceased being everything else 
I ceased being me in my selfish desire 
to become a stranger among you 
I became a stranger when I became me 
fortunately, I have no more excuses 
I hope to shed this terrible skin of failure, 
so that our paths can cross again 
and I, for the one more, rise 
and introduce myself one last time 

It Wasn't In Vain

there have been nights, 
when you wished sleep would kidnap you, 
and rescue you from the incessant battles, 
with mosquitoes
and the invisible wars inside your head 
Do not give up yet, 
it wasn't in vain 

there have been pains, 
that hurt beyond endurance, 
and each step felt like torture 
but you fought and live on
desperate for another day 
another try, 
for nothing was in pain 

on those days you feel like a failure 
dust yourself up and try one more time 
and another 
and one more time 
because nothing's in vain 

Thursday, 2 February 2023


in the dreamless sojourns
to world's beyond the horizon, 
the world within stirs with longings, 
as distant as the stars, 
yet still alluring like the impalpable stars 

the sojourns trace, 
a long and meandering path, 
which disappears in the distance, 
in its wake an insatiable void 
drunk with a thousand dreams  

in calm surrender 
gaze at the unlivable dreams 
that leave your heart derelict, 
abandoned in its own wishful thoughts, 
gaze at these dreams 
and dare dream similar dreams again  

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

It Can Be Tough

it can be tough, 
for words to tumble out 
of a writer's mind onto a blank page, 
and make sense beyond the writer's
petty obsession with mere words 

the right words sometimes 
get stuck in between writing 
and thinking about writing, 
and often, gleaming words, 
spring out of the mind, 
when it is impossible to write 
like when showring or eating 
or making out with a woman 
the writer does not like 

it can be tough, 
a writer's life, 
for one moment one is writing 
but once done, the void 
as the next poem or story 

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Loosen Up

don't let your goals make you insufferable, 
loosen up once in a while, 
and let hours roll by, 
without you having to endure 
the thoughts failure 

let lose once in a while 
it is not crime to miss a goal or two
or three....or six 
you wouldn't die 

loosen up and be alive 
let go of burdens of guilt 
be free like the air 
recharge and get back the goals 
like a thousand hungry lions 

Sunday, 29 January 2023

Never Been The Best

I have always thought, 
even without proof, 
that I was the best at what 
I do 
but school happened, 
and I realised I was no better 
than some 
as I strived to keep up with the 
the best seemed to get better 
I slackened, see-sawed 
and swung like a pendulum 
between best and the worst, 
and the guilt still haunts me 
for I believed if I tried harder, 
I wouldn't be where I am now 
and nothing haunts more than 
the thought that if I tried harder, 
my path would have been different