Thursday, 23 February 2023

The Best Times

The best of times might as well 
be the worst times, 
because, often times, the good times 
are either illegal, destructive, 
or a death sentence coated with pleasure 

and when everything has passed, 
and all you have are memories 
scrubbing the edges of your mind 
revealing the finely inscribed word - guilt 
henceforth, no matter how much fun 
you had, 
it all boils down to "I shouldn't have had it"

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

No Longer Friends With Myself

I do not recognize myself anymore, 
a stranger has taken over my body, 
leaving vague recollections of my 
former self 

The body that you see isn't mine, 
I swapped it when being me 
was no longer in vogue 
You might recognize the body, 
but it's run by a different software 

I am no longer friends with myself
tell me a friend whose maid creed is sabotage 
which friends encourages self-destruction
and thinks it is too much fun? 

my former self will say things 
just as strange to you as they are to me 
I do not recognise him 
and we are no longer friends 

A Good Day To Try Again

today won't be your day, again, 
if you do not try harder 
there is nothing to gain 
if you are not relentless in the 
pursuit of your passions 

today does seem grim 
a ray of despondency is creeping in 
and, like a sadist's scheme 
threatens to haul your dreams
into the waste basket of oblivion 

today is a good day to try again 
you may be a little bit lethargic, 
but take that step, walk even with pain 
for they say it is important to keep moving 
that single step will take you closer 
to your much coveted dream 

Monday, 20 February 2023

Your Kind of Love

you aren't the kind that loves 
you take the plunge, 
- headfirst, feetfirst, heartfirst - 
it never matters 
because loving is about life and death 
and the right love justifies 
anything in between 

but then your kind of love, 
often pits you against mongrel-humans, 
the kind that never learned to love 
or deliberately choose to love incorrectly, 
at will, ignorant of its significance 
you will love them still, 
hoping your affection will change them 

have you ever stopped and pondered, 
may be you deserve the love 
you give everyone else? 
especially the underserving 
the kind that wouldn't jump a puddle 
for you 
when you could cross oceans for them 

Saturday, 18 February 2023


I do not know what causes more turmoil, 
or unending grief, 
than the thought of unrequited love 
there is no relief 
because each moment seems to unravel, 
so many reasons not to love 

But tell me, what's more calming, 
than the certainty of love, 
each day feels new 
because someone loves you, 
and you are sure its the purest 
calmness is the perfect give a lover can give 

The B-word

I received a warning today from Zuckerberg's soldiers. I posted a single-word comment on a certain page I came across while 'sightseeing' on these streets. The word in itself did not strike me as particularly 'too strong.' Zuckerberg's made-men stated the repercussions of my actions, which, inter alia, included an 'eviction threat' from these streets.

I do not know how effective that would have been had it been my mission to go about slandering people. I would have simply created a new account and be back like nothing happened.

Although I accepted that I had made a mistake, I wondered deep down why the word was unacceptable. In my estimation, the word described perfectly the what was happening in the video.

The people (to be gender neutral) were not exactly bright upstairs. It is very okay (it is even a constitutional right) not to be bright. But it is very unconstitutional not to know you are not bright.

I know you may have seen a video of a certain Woriah who does not shit and quite okay with it. I must admit it made me a bit uncomfortable knowing that there are people who do not know shit and they have the right to vote just like learned fellows like some of us.

It is a bit disconcerting for me since my intellect, or lack thereof, was acquired mainly through corporal punishment. My teacher had a name for it - he called it flogging. I got whooped in a way that took something from me.

I have contemplated suing that teacher for causing PTSD. But then I can't imagine the line of questioning his lawyer will pursue - it will make me look stupid, negating the essence of the suit.

Back to the 'word.'

According to my estimation, I did not think it would a deeper meaning other than it being a perfect word to describe those who are not that bright.

But I assumed. The lawyer from Canada once used it to describe one of your female leaders of Kanairo. The lawyer is known for using the word demagogue, which made Larry Madowo imagine it was the worst insult in the history of mankind. It wasn't.

The trouble with not knowing the meaning of something makes it even more insulting. Your mind goes on overdrive imagining the worst possible meaning of the word that someone has used in reference to you, you who hold yourself in high regard.

I consulted google and find out the word was offensive. It ranked close to the N-word. As you are familiar with the rules that govern the use of the N-word, you have to be an N for you to use it.

I used a B-word and I am not a B . The B-word is not the one use to refer to dogs of fairer sex. It ends with a vowel and you cannot use it to describe an attractive lady who was denied a substantial amount of grey matter between their ears.

Have an offensive-free Saturday. Except Arsenal fans. You will not know what hit you.


Thursday, 16 February 2023

Naked Truth

truth hits like a ton of falling bricks, 
often, you'll find yourself debating, 
whether to be hurt enough or limp away, 
wearing your injuries like a war hero 

truth leaves you feeling powerless, 
bargaining with a fate you're sure 
you did not deserve 
you didn't sacrifice so much for naught 

truth will make you feel stupid 
and as blunt as it often is, 
there is always nothing to do 
except create your balance sheet 
of losses, profits and lessons