Friday, 17 March 2023

Long Silence

the long silence that punctuate 
our conversations recently 
have had me hanging on a thin thread, 
swinging like a pendulum 
between taunting oblivion and eternity 
the memories of the yore 
flicker periodically at a distance 
beckoning my weak limbs to 
take one step - just one step 
a step closer to your embrace
I take hazy and unsteady steps 
swinging between wanting to you, 
and wanting to forget you 
but then I hear your voice 
and the thread snaps on the side 
that has me wanting you - 
the side that I am familiar with 
the side where silence 
reveals the deepest thoughts inside us 
and reveals our deepest secrets 
I remain hopeful that this silence 
will never lose meaning 
for I wouldn't know what to do  

Do Not Forget Yourself

as you freely roam on this earth
curving your own path in
the wilderness, 
as you stray away in search of 
a path to place the world 
tries desperately to hide 
as you search for a path 
that will lead you to your destiny 
a path to happiness 
I beg of you one thing 
do not forget about yourself 
do not forget to search for yourself 
in the blooming flowers, 
in the age-old rocks, 
in the chirping birds 
in the soft blowing breeze, 
in the erotic of embrace of the wild 
because, as we search for meaning 
in our lives, 
we forget ourselves 
and when we find meaning 
we realize too late, 
that we lost ourselves, 
rendering our lifelong wanders 

These Walls

I guess these walls loathe 
my lonesome laments of solitude 
I guess they are tired of dancing 
to disjointed rhythms of my heart 
I guess these walls pretend 
they are blind 
just not see my sorry self sprawled 
on the bed, ruminating days 
when lonesome moments such as these 
existed in fairytales, works fiction 
but these walls have been my unfailing 
lending a listening hear to the endless 
laments of my heart 
listening but doing nothing, 
only silently acknowledging their 
presence in my life 

Trouble With Success

there is more to success 
than what we see 
no one ever got it right 
on the first try 
even as we are awed 
by the magic of success 
we forget that there was 
a first try
and numerous failures 
along the way 
what we see is a man who 
got up every time he got knocked 
down to try once more 

the trouble with success 
is that it hides immaculately 
what goes on behind the scenes 
and that is the most important 
because there were days heroes 
felt like giving up 
there were days they had no energy 
but still got up and worked on their dreams 
success demands getting up 
even with the most justifiable excuses 

we see the finished products - 
an incredible song, poem, novel 
or work of art 
we see the complete athlete 
and never think of days he trained 
to push himself beyond the possibility of defeat 

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Third Round

I have dusted my gloves 
in readiness for the third round 
I got knocked out once
but I rose each and fought again 

I'll watch myself walk 
down the familiar road 
with my heart pounding in 
similar uncanny rhythm

I'll be alone listening 
to the voices in my head 
tell me there might be something 
amiss, or something good 
I know I'll do a good job ignoring 
the negative 

I want to make amends 
although I know I am not 
supposed to 
there is nothing to prove 
except test my resolve once again  
and prepare for heartbreak 
once more 

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

The Weird Feeling

the stalling and morbidly weird feeling 
that often assails as if something 
great or not 
is about to happen 
and you are stuck, unsure of what to do 
as your mind races around 
a race track, doing crazy things 
except keeping still and letting you 
concentrate on important matters at hand 

Monday, 13 March 2023

The Trouble of Falling In Love

the trouble with falling in love 
is believing you'll never be hurt 
you believe the illusion that your 
love will keep them 
and when everything falls apart 
you will be an empty shell 
trying to hold yourself together