Thursday, 23 July 2020

I Won’t Write Again

I won’t write again
I hate trying to string words together
And phrases
What do they become?
A man’s hopeless attempt to understand his world
To master his world
To master his obsessions
To conquer his whims and indulgences
And when everything has been decided
He goes back to the same position
And screams at his mind for letting go of resolve
Who are I?
Who am I?
A reckless fiend
A wanderer on this wretched world

Saturday, 23 May 2020

The Void

I am stuck in this void
A void of my creation
I live for the minute
Sometimes for the second
And always for the single breath
Life’s outdone me
I am incapable of thinking about tomorrow
Tomorrow is a fallacy
Tomorrow is a scam
Tomorrow is for the hopeful
But if you are stuck in a void
Tomorrow is the biggest joke
You’d ever want to hear

The Mourning Poet

Why should a poet’s muse always be pain?
Why should a poet mourn of a lost something?
Lost love,
Why is a poet always on the receiving end
Of all the pain assigned to humans
Why do poets carry burdens for far too long?
Why do poets love deeply?
Why do they give their whole soul
And hearts
To an uncaring world

Are poets blind to the life’s simple bliss
Are poets immune to good things
Why are poets concerned too much?
On lost things
Instead of what remains
When everything is gone
Why do poets always rummage
Through ruins,
Searching what’s already gone?

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Springs of Life

Rusty I have grown
The words have frozen
I can't think,
I can't think how to rhyme 
The cute phrases that cured my solitude 
no longer rouse emotions 
The longings have dissipated
like morning dew 
The world is dreamless 
The heart feels good to step on 
The sprouting flowers,
Their bewitching bloom 
No longer gnaws the soul 
Even when I don't know how
to write poetry again 

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Stay Safe

we walked on Nairobi streets
reckless, uncaring,
our main concerns were muggers
and pickpockets,
other than that, we mingled freely

not any more
corona rules the streets

and it is invisible
tiny things ruling the air
and we have to keep distance
and put on face masks
and wash hands

things won't be the same again
not in a long time
its difficult to make plans
as this pandemic rages on

first world countries are the hardest hit
people are dying like flies
we are only praying
even those who've never prayed
are stringing words together
to form a prayer

stay safe
keep distance
care about your neighbor
and most importantly don't trust your neighbor
he or she could be the dreaded disease

Friday, 6 March 2020

An Empty Shell

it was always within reach, 
it was always within control, 
now it is not, 
you indulge to the point of no return 
until all you are is an empty shell 

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

But It Is Life

the days came and went by,
running along with your memory, 
the further the days strolled 
the further your memory receded 
at the back of my head 
in the secret compartment 
I store mathematical formulas 
formula I have never used 
all alone, I think of you 
the dark haze, 
the maze of steps 
that lead to you 
and i am lost, lost in the wonder 
of how we stopped loving, being us 
but it is life